Dernières nouvelles :
You have the A200 model that was also offered with a few dozen other names on them... I have 2 like this with different names on them.. You are missing one of the pickguard that goes on the upper horn and your lower pickguard was painted Your knobs are not the original ones since these came with aluminum knobs. Lots of 60's Aria also came with the aluminum knobs like Teisco and several other brands... I am unclear as to who made these early Aria's since this one was also available in the early 70's... No one knows if this is really a Mat or if it was contracted out.... But it came out with several names on them.... It has a nice vintage sound and is light and easy to play once a proper set up is done... I really enjoy mine, hope you enjoy yours also... They do not have a high $ value... but that is changing slowly since they are Burns copies...