Biographie de Bloodhound Gang

Lüpüs Thünder is the umlaut-using, head-banging, devil-worshipping guitarist for the Bloodhound Gang. Lüpüs Thünder also runs the Bloodhound Gang Artificial Cerebral Palsy Home Page all by himself. Although it is a time consuming endeavor that has completely replaced social interaction with other human beings, it seems to have paid off. Currently, www.bloodhoundgang.com receives over one million hits per month.
Evil Jared Hasselhoff is the bassist for the Bloodhound Gang. If Rowdy Roddy Piper, Lee Majors and Dee Dee Ramone could somehow fornicate and produce offspring, it would be really vile to watch. But, it would also spawn Evil Jared Hasselhoff. Evil Jared Hasselhoff also puts together the Bloodhound Gang Hate Club Hate Chronicle.
Besides wicky wicky wackin' for the Bloodhound Gang, D.J. Q-Ball guest deejays at clubs throughout the world in the hopes of, "runnin' on ups, in all da bizotches guts." Needless to say, D.J. Q-Ball is a card-carrying wigger. He also looks after the Bloodhound Gang Hate Club.
After winning "The Hot Dog Eating Contest", "The Magnum P.I. Trivia Challenge" and "The-One-Hundred-Push-Ups-In-One-Hundred-Seconds-Competition", Willie The New Guy filled the void that was left by a community-college-bound Spanky G as drummer for the Bloodhound Gang. But since he is the new guy, nobody really cares about him.
Fred Durst is not in the Bloodhound Gang but we thought if we mentioned him, you would keep reading our biography.
Drawing thoroughly on his vast repository of American popular culture knowledge and his affinity for lowbrow humor, Jimmy Pop's lyrics are one-half wit and one-half half-wit. Jimmy Pop's so-called lyrics also produce the continuity between the so-called songs on "Hooray For Boobies". His bandmates supply music that is diverse, to say the least. Heavy Metal riffs, Electronica chirps, Punk Rock chords and Hip-Hop beats combine to create music that is reminiscent of everything from Slayer to Crystal Method to NOFX to the Wu-Tang Clan.
Since none of the clubs in Philadelphia would book the Bloodhound Gang in the early days (club owners had this silly notion about attracting patrons), they played at Evil Jared Hasselhoff's house just about every other weekend. That lasted until one evening when the first floor caved into the basement. In search of a new stomping ground, the Bloodhound Gang began performing at world-famous C.B.G.B.s every couple of weeks. When asked about their tenure at the legendary venue, Jimmy Pop was quoted as saying, "I've seen cavemen with better clubs."
That was in 1993. The band went on to produce a couple of demos; "Just Another Demo" and "The Original Motion Picture Soundtrack To Hitler's Handicapped Helpers" which eventually led to 1994's "Dingleberry Haze" and 1995's "Use Your Fingers". After "Use Your Fingers" failed miserably the original Bloodhound Gang disbanded, leaving Jimmy Pop and Lüpüs Thünder alone to meet obligations for an American tour. So in the fall of 1995, Jimmy Pop called on his friend Evil Jared Hasselhoff who he met at Temple University, from which Evil Jared Hasselhoff had received a degree in Business and Jimmy Pop had received a degree in Mass Communications and a minor in History.
Having just graduated, Evil Jared Hasselhoff was spending his days "downing sixes of Milwaukee's Beast, watching the Duke Boys and fraudulently collecting unemployment" so he was willing and able to do back-up vocals and entertain Bloodhound Gang crowds. Evil Jared Hasselhoff's vision of 'entertainment' included eating live mice, drinking his own throw-up and allowing audience members to throw darts into his back for a prize.
A few months later, the Bloodhound Gang added D.J. Q-Ball who was recommended by his cousin, a Kinko's customer service representative that just happened to take the Bloodhound Gang's new passport photos for a European tour in 1995. The first half of 1996 was spent recording the now legendary "One Fierce Beer Coaster" which was released in September of 1996 on Republic Records. Within a month, "Fire Water Burn" became the most requested song at alternative radio in the United States of America and propelled the band to global notoriety. Suddenly, the band went from being nobodies to being nobodies appearing on television with Howard Stern, Jenny McCarthy, and Riki Lake and partying with the likes of Corey Feldman, Kato Kaelin, and Larry "Bud" Melman. Loser anthems "Why's Everybody Always Pickin' On Me?" and "I Wish I Was Queer So I Could Get Chicks" followed "Fire Water Burn" as singles that drove over two million people around the world to discover the Grammy-nominated "One Fierce Beer Coaster".
Unlike most bands, the Bloodhound Gang write the treatments for their music videos. This includes such cinematic masterpieces as "Kiss Me Where It Smells Funny", "Fire Water Burn", "I Wish I Was Queer So I Could Get Chicks", "Along Comes Mary" and "The Bad Touch", all of which will be featured on the long length video releases, "One Fierce Beer Run" and "Hooray For Groupies".
Written and recorded in Los Angeles during the second half of 1998, "Hooray For Boobies" is stupid. Below is a track by track account by Jimmy Pop.
"I Hope You Die"
Whether they admit it or not, everyone has hoped someone they hate would die. You can imagine my jubilation when that filthy whore Mother Teresa bought the farm. Anyway, our friend Parry from the band Nerfherder sings this song with me.
"The Inevitable Return Of The Great White Dope"
I tried to write a song about how cool I am but I ended up sounding like a seven-year-old in a crash helmet having a temper tantrum through a Mister Microphone. Everyone seems to think it's about the resurgence of cocaine's popularity anyway.
"Mama's Boy"
This is a phone call I recorded between my mother and myself. She threatened to sue me, so I swore on my mother's grave that I wouldn't put it on our record. So if you see her, don't tell her. It might kill her. After listening to it again though, I think she might be on crack.
"Three Point One Four"
After my last girlfriend broke up with me, I thought about what qualities my ideal woman would possess. I concluded that all I truly need is a Dunkin' Donut. Sad but true.
This song is about having nothing to do. Or in this case, nothing to say.
"Yummy Down On This"
Since we had a song about cunnilingus on our last record (Kiss Me Where It Smells Funny), I decided we needed a song about fellatio in our repertoire. There is nothing more frustrating than G-spot spelunking in a roast beef canyon and getting no reciprocation. I might as well make out with a pound of salmon. And I wouldn't have to buy it breakfast.
"The Ballad Of Chasey Lain"
I thought if I wrote a song about my favorite adult film actress, I would get to fuck her. She told me that I'm funny. What am I, in high school?
Evil Jared Hasselhoff and I wrote a script for Chasey Lain to read as sort of a response to "The Ballad Of Chasey Lain". Her read of the script was so good, I think she's a shoe-in for the lead role of Chicken Little at my little cousin's grammar school.
"Magna Cum Nada"
A song about how much we fuckin' suck.
"The Bad Touch"
A song about how much we want to fuck 'n suck.
"That Cough Came With A Prize"
Also known as filler. I smoke three packs of Reds a day.
"Hell Yeah"
This song is about why I would make a good savior. If Jesus were alive today, he would probably wear Birkenstocks. Would you really trust a Phish fan with your Eternal Happiness? I think not.
"This Is Stupid"
This is stupid.
"A Lap Dance Is So Much Better When The Stripper Is Crying"
My friend bought me a lap dance from a Russian girl at the Crazy Girls strip club in Los Angeles. As she straddled me, I asked her how she was doing. In a thick Russian accent she said, "Not good, it is three years since I go home to Moscow and now my grandmother has passed away." Then she started to cry. As this was happening, she continued to grind her nasty bits against my trouser snake. Can you picture it in your head? Yes? Well, that image sums up my life.
"Along Comes Mary"
Originally recorded for the soundtrack of the movie "Half-Baked", I didn't realize the lyrics where about marijuana. You know grass, reefer, pot, tea, weed, chronic, spliff, bud, dank, roughage, smoke. I thought it was about a girl named Mary. This was the first single in Germany and was nominated for two Viva Music Television awards. The key word is "nominated". Damn that Britney Spears.
The Bloodhound Gang have toured throughout Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, England, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Russia, Scotland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United States Of America.
The Bloodhound Gang will be touring in support of "Hooray For Boobies" from June 1st 1999 until June 1st 2001. Their next record is slated for release in early 2001.
Bloodhound Gang FUN FACTS
Jimmy Pop must alphabetize everything.
Lüpüs Thünder was homeless for a month.
Evil Jared Hasselhoff has a black father.
D.J. Q-Ball has a probation officer.
Willie The New Guy has smoked crackVoir plus