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What kind of guitar do you play?
Please refer to the equipment page (coming soon) which will include an in depth answer.
At the moment all of my old guitars (Plaid guitars, Yamaha Samick, Ibanez ) are all on the "Hard Rock Cafe" walls somewhere in the world. (I don't even know where). At the moment the only guitars I am actually playing are the "Ernie Ball" guitars.
My main guitar is an Ernie Ball music man gold sparkle "Albert Lee" which was build for me by a gentleman name Dudley Gimble at the Ernie Ball shop. In my opinion the Ernie Ball is the best quality guitar and Bass that are made today for new guitars and that is why I have been playing them. My guitar is an alder body with 1/2 inch maple top. I had them put a maple-top on it for more cut, more punch closer to a Les Paul. I have a maple neck which is very large (I have always had big necks on my guitars) I use 2 Seymour Duncan humbuckers pick ups in it. They change from guitar to guitar, I use everything like if they have tremolo in them, I will use my own model Trembucker in it. But they range from Seth lovers to custom customs.
As far as strings I use Ernie Balls 10's slinkys.I have been friends with Sterling Ball for a long time. I actually met him at a NAMM show about many many years ago.
About 4 or 5 years ago he said just let me make you a guitar, I'll make you the best guitar you've ever had. He made good on his promise and that is the one I play today.
Franchement, t'as perdu plus de temps à écrire ton poste que moi à trouver la réponse je crois... fais un tour sur le site du groupe, regarde sur youtube, utilise google... parce que là c'est un peu demander aux autre de le faire pour toi.