Marche brésilienne de carnaval - téléchargez mon écriture


Hi Guys!
This week I have recorded a Carnival March called "Casa ao Revés" from the great and young new brazilian compositor - Vinicius Castro. That was a really good time recording with him.

This MP3 is great to know how is a Carnival March and to get some snare techniques like buzz roll.

In this record I have played Bass Drum, Snare Drum (Brush and Sticks) and Floor Tom.

You can download it at :


Thanks! I´m waiting your comments.

chanteur I m listening it and i have to say that it is quite good and sweet mate! i fancy brazilian music and rythms. I guess it was a valuable experience 4u to play with such a good compositor.


God of Partoch
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10950 messages
i think you shouldn't speak english we're all french on this site wink (me too and i don't speak english very well lol icon_cheesygrin )

eeeuh je comprend rien du tout moi sad I speak very very very very not good english (ca doit se voir dans ma phrase lol)


Au Hit Parade
Petit tabber
1599 messages
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ca chante faux!!!!!!!!

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