voila j'ai écrit un texte sur la drogue et son emprise maladif ... pourriez vous me donnée quelque conseil. merci d'avance
A life of nothing
ho build the nothingness
like a bone whithout his dog
ho fucking wake up
i have nothing else
and nothing matter anymore
refrain : so look at me die
slowly but surment ( a traduire ^^ )
because it s to late for me
my life is sumary to be stoned
but s it s easy
my wold it s beautifull
All around me, people pass
without him noticing
i m a dream invisible
so look at me die
slowly but surment ( a traduire ^^ )
because it s to late for me
prisonnier of this cage
i don't want to go out anymore
i m dying like a rock star
this is done for me
hey you !
look me die in peace
because it s to late
i loos my faith
and all the door closed