album winifred atwell

les albums de winifred atwell

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Honky Tonk Boogie

102:35The Black and White Rag
202:10Coronation Rag
302:09Flirtation Waltz
402:13Britannia Rag
502:29Dill Pickles
602:43Choo Choo Samba
702:23Body And Soul
802:05Golden Tango
902:32The Charleston
1002:31Jubilee Rag
1301:53Let's Have A Party (Part 1)
1402:16Let's Have A Party (Part 2)
1502:22Crazy Words, Crazy Tune
1602:16Cross Hands Boogie
1702:06Bounce the Boogie
1802:57Let's Have Another Party (Part 1)
1902:48Let's Have Another Party (Part 2)
2002:13El Cumbanchero
2102:13Five Finger Boogie
2202:25The Gypsy Samba
2302:21Way Up in North Carolina
2401:49Gold and Silver Waltz
2503:11The Song of Three Loves (Rachmaninov's 18th Variation)