album volbeat

les albums de volbeat

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Rewind, Replay, Rebound: Live in Deutschland

106:38Intro/Lola Montez (live)
202:48Pelvis on Fire (live)
305:33Doc Holliday (live)
404:27Sorry Sack of Bones (live)
506:54The Garden's Tale (live)
601:23Ring of Fire (live)
704:29Sad Man's Tongue (live)
805:00When We Were Kids (live)
902:36Slaytan (live)
1003:05Dead but Rising (live)
1105:57Fallen (live)
1203:45Die to Live (live)
1304:22Seal the Deal (live)
1406:24For Evigt (live)
1504:377:24 (live)
1604:41Cheapside Sloggers (live)
1704:22Lonesome Rider (live)
1801:04Parasite (live)
1905:48The Everlasting (live)
2004:58Cloud 9 (live)
2105:36Last Day Under the Sun (live)
2205:47The Devil's Bleeding Crown (live)