album van morrison

les albums de van morrison

16Fans 39tabs
Note cet artiste

The Lost Tapes, Volume 2

103:04Brown Eyed Girloui
202:59Goodbye Baby (Baby Goodbye)
303:05Ro Ro Rosey
405:29The Back Room
502:41Midnight Special
605:49He Ain't Give You None
705:35Who Drove the Red Sports Car
804:17Joe Harper Saturday Morning
905:17Madame George
1000:53You Say France and I Say Whistle
1101:24Blow in Your Nose
1201:01Nose in Your Blow
1300:51La Mambo
1401:20Go for Yourself
1501:04Want a Danish
1600:54Here Comes Dumb George
1701:09Chickee Coo
1801:01Do It
1900:56Hang On Groovy
2001:16Goodby George
2101:26Dum Dum George
2201:06Walk and Talk
2301:02The Wobble
2401:08Wobble and Ball