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Zingzillas: The Album

101:59Zingzillas Theme
202:07Welcome to the Island
302:24Do You Didgeridoo?
402:44Happy Day
502:19The Great Zingzilla Band
602:48Lets Hear You Scat
702:39The Big Zing Opera
802:13Rocking in a Rock Band
902:18Drift Away
1002:18Bhangra Beat
1102:31Playing a Solo
1202:11Boogie Woogie Bubbly Time
1302:18Litter, Litter, Litter
1402:13Making a Big Noise
1502:13I've Never Heard a Sound as Absurd
1602:04Playing Together Makes It Twice as Fun
1702:24The Ringing of a Bell
1802:10Moving House
1902:02Have You Ever Lost?
2002:13Our Island Home
2102:12Feel the Rhythm of Flamenco
2202:15Friendship Never Ends
2302:00Bluegrass, Bluegrass
2402:09Do You Want to Have Fun?
2502:14Do a, Do a, Do a Duet