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Timeless Reflections of the Spanish Guitar

102:12Romance to the Pines
201:51Estudio no. 1
303:09Estudio no. 5
406:02"Moonlight" Sonata
502:00Prelude in D minor
601:30Prelude no. 1
701:52Prelude no. 6
803:17Girl with the Flaxen Hair
1001:23Study no. 6
1105:57Capricho árabe
1202:39Cello Suite no. 1: Prelude
1305:28Cello Suite no. 1: Allemande
1403:55Cello Suite no. 1: Courante
1503:10Cello Suite no. 1 Sarabande
1603:46Cello Suite no. 1: Minuets I and II
1702:04Cello Suite no. 1: Gigue