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The Strangeloves at Moth Bright

101:31? Moth Bright Shrine ?
204:39?mber and ?he ?trangeloves
303:22?roject ?urity
402:00Cool Ghouls Toy Emporium
501:57Helios Orbital Observatory
604:11Igrit Overpass
702:08Amber in 1993
802:33Fidelio Station
903:08Moth Pines ??? National Park
1004:14Apricot Lumber
1102:58The Wverstone ?
1203:10Tiger Cloister of Vibrant Fang
1304:07First Kiss with the Cosmic Ocean
1402:57Slow Oscillating Deity
1503:36Lake Satyr
1606:00The Remnant
1708:50? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
1803:08Amber and The Strangemarch
1904:40Mechanical Rag