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The Ratcatcher

101:56The Glorious Emporium of Decan E. Lude (Part I)
202:55Buskers (The Cruel Sister)
303:30Onward, Soldiers (Vermin Fight the Wars)
405:47I Run (Who is the Rat Woman?)
504:07Veredictum (The Attorney's Waltz)
603:12The Baydeinn Boys (Vermin Keep the Peace)
703:44The Piper & The Devil (Who is the Piper?)
806:12Dogs Made of Rust (The Mayor's Ballad)
903:47Open for Business (The Council's Cabaret)
1003:52The Gate (What the Children Saw)
1103:28The Gift (For the Vermin)
1203:24The Glorious Emporium of Decan E. Lude (Part II)