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The Mysteries: Music From the National Theatre Production Of: The Nativity, The Passion, Doomsday

tv - The Mysteries: Music From the National Theatre Production Of: The Nativity, The Passion, Doomsday
108:14The Nativity: God/Creation/Serpent's Dance/Cain and Abel: Don't Be an Outlaw
206:20The Nativity II: Appearance of the Archangel: Shay Fan Yan Ley/Journey to Bethlehem/The Nativity: Lay Me Low
306:07The Nativity III: The Kings/Shepherd's Arise
406:16The Passion: Entry to Jerusalem/Betrayal and Denial: All in the Morning, Part I/The Arrest/Scourging: All in the Morning, Part II/The Trial: Lewk Up Lewk
508:02The Passion II: The Road to Calvary/Crcifixion: The Moon Shines Bright/We Sing Allelujah
602:56Doomsday: God/Wonderous Love/The Death of Mary
708:29Doomsday II: Coronation of the Virgin/Lyke Wake Dirge/Judgement: The Wheel