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The Glory Reel

103:06Jigs: Up Sligo / The Three Little Drummers
203:04Reels: Drag Her Around the Road / The Maid I Never Forgot
303:58Jigs: The Repeal of the Union / The Scotsman Over the Border
403:32Reels: The Flood on the Holm / The Glory Reel
503:56Marches: My Love She Has Deceived Me / The Battle Cry of Munster
602:28Reels: Molly Bawn / The Stony Steps
702:44Highlands: Mick Carr's #1, Mick Carr's #2
803:47Reels: The Fisherman's Lilt / McFadden's / The Blackberry Blossom
903:15Jigs: The Butcher's March / Seán Buí
1003:28Reels: Paddy on the Turnpike / Jackson's
1103:12Highland and Reel: Lady Ramsay's / Doherty's Trim the Velvet
1202:56Reels: The Enchanted Lady / The Holy Land / The Sailor on the Rock
1303:56Slip Jigs: Kitty Come Down to Limerick / Gusty's Frolics
1403:25Highlands: Dúlaman Na Binne Buí / The Girls of Ardara / The Back Door
1504:05Reels: An Bhean Tincéara / The High Road to Galway
1603:00Hop Jigs: The Promenade / The Surround / Comb Your Hair and Curl It
1703:31Reels: The Jolly Tinker / The Wind That Shakes the Barley