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The English Song Series, Volume 5: O Mistress Mine / To Daisies / Julia's Hair / Go, Lovely Rose

102:41It was a lover and his lass
201:22Take, O take those lips away
301:42O mistress mine
402:04How should I your true love know
502:07Orpheus with his lute
601:06Hark! Hark! the lark
702:33Ca' the yowes to the knowes
801:30Charlie is my darling
902:55Ye banks and braes
1004:31I arise from dreams of thee
1101:39Music when soft voices die
1201:27Love's philosophy
1301:38Spring is at the door
1401:55Passing dreams
1503:03Autumn evening
1602:20An old carol
1702:22Three Pastoral Songs, op. 22: I. I will go with my father a-ploughing
1802:46Three Pastoral Songs, op. 22: II. Cherry valley
1902:10Three Pastoral Songs, op. 22: III. I wish and I wish
2002:56Go, lovely rose
2102:24A last year's rose
2201:04Amaryllis at the fountain
2301:04I dare not ask a kiss
2402:25Now sleeps the crimson petal
2500:45To Julia. op. 8: Prelude