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The Darkest Guru's Funeral Doom Drones, Vol. 1

107:22Dizzy Drowning in Everyday Nonsense Is Distracting From Focusing on Weighty Matters of the Spirit
209:23Yazidis Will Teach You All What Are the Grave Consequences of Putting Thy Trust in Thy Neighbors, Given They Are Members of a Religion of Peace
304:04The Atrocities Associated With Full Submission to a God Whom You Perceive as Your Maker
414:00Weakening, Defeat, Reconciliation; The Story of Every Awakened Master's Life... A Genuine Master Shalt Thereby Never Reveal His Enlightened-Self to the Masses; Alas, All Your Contemporary Masters Are Frauds - Sheikhs, Rabbis, Cardinals and Charismatic Omnipotent Orators aka Sadhgurus ("True Gurus")!
503:29Being Dark Doesn't Mean You Are Ought to Be Obsessed With Death or Goth Occultism; Rather, It's a Spiritual State of Mind Pertaining Seeking Grey Areas and Razor Sharp Un-Pc States of Consciousness as a Member of the Intellectual Dark Web
607:32Serial Misinterpretation of a Jihadist's Ambiguous Holy Text; You Don't Join a Death Cult to Catch Up With Angels in Paradise's Backdoor
711:08The Spiritual Horror Art That's Embodied in Our Daily Decision Making and White Little Lies
836:18Stop Feeding Your Precious Self With the Voluminous Poison of the Media, Which Is Always Soaked With Shrewdly Manufactured Fake News and Sleight of Hand War-Positive Riddles