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The Cryptics

100:59Cryptic Family
201:31Red Alert Decks Suck
300:00Children in Heat
501:48I Killed Hitler
600:56Zach's Sister
701:50I Need No One
801:16All My Songs Sound the Same
901:23You're Boring
1001:32Frank and I Get Fuckin' High
1101:49H?Avenue Kid
1201:38White Trash at the Skatepark
1301:10Delilah's a Cunt
1401:46Murder This Society
1502:11Sunday in the Schoolyear
1602:15Up the Gulley
1702:18Sidewalk Terrorist
1800:00Boris the Bolshevik
1900:00The Warehouse
2000:00Knock Knock
2100:00No More Neutral