album tv

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Revolucion [1911]

105:35Fight With the Police (Corroded Master's You Are the Law remix)
204:20Who's Next? (Konstriktor remix)
303:30For Kill Someone (Zombie Tripas remix)
404:32Fight With the Police (Hexis remix)
503:46Llamado a Als Armas (Destructed by Detuned Destruction)
604:59If I Die Tonight (Zombrex remix)
705:02Who's Next? (In Line remix by F.T.C.)
804:47Fight With the Police (Lezsbika the Rumble remix)
904:46Desollame (Vitaviolencia remix)
1004:07Fight With the Police (Rock mix by Jeremiah Saint)
1104:03Fight With the Police (Death to Authority mix by Tactical Module)
1203:05Desollame (Somaxon remix)