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Random Remixes, Vol.6

101:58Astro Zombies (The Misfits cover)
202:55California Uber Alles (Dead Kennedys cover)
303:57Cars (Gary Numan cover)
403:47Down on the Street (The Stooges cover)
501:57Fell in Love With a Girl (White Stripes cover)
604:01Jock o Rama (Dead Kennedys cover)
702:19Let's Lynch the Landlord (Dead Kennedys cover)
804:17Los (Rammstein cover)
900:47Mad Man (D.R. I cover)
1004:22Ohne Dich (Rammstein cover)
1103:26Raw Power (The Stooges cover)
1202:52We Care a Lot (Faith No More cover)
1301:27When You Get Drafted (Dead Kennedys cover)