album tv

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3006Fans 780tabs
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Put Your Head on My Finger

100:00Horoscope, Part 1
200:00Win That Dwarf
300:00Tip to Gardeners
400:00The Sky Is My Partner
500:00Norbert T. Krelk Funeral
600:00Foonman Home for the Perturbed News
700:00Glur Awards
800:00Miss Oz Sings
900:00Golden Voice Announcer's School
1000:00Church Announcement
1100:00Nurny Creed
1200:00Incredible but True
1300:00Sure Fire Unemployment
1400:00The Presidents
1500:00Ballad of Willie Jackson
1600:00Republican Commercial
1700:00Democrat Commercial
1800:00Harold Stassen Commercial
1900:00Dates to Remember
2000:00See Your Doctor
2100:00Lunatics' Book of World Records
2200:00Teenage Manners
2300:00Booking Agent
2400:00Safety Tips
2500:00School for Double Talk