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Memory Lame

101:54Heretical Doses / Chapter 1: ?welcome! Welcome! Welcome! ? Shouts a Voice Over the Crashing Waves as a Huge Pile of Dead Christmas Trees Are Ignited in the Moonlight and I Find a Place to Sit in the Sand.
201:21Heretical Doses / Chapter 2: Unexpected: Free Concert at the Boardwalk and Eddie Money Rips Into ?I Wanna Go Back.'
302:21Heretical Doses / Chapter 3: The Heat This Fire Throws Is Starting to Make Me Sweat... (Intrusive Thoughts: I've Made a Huge Mistake)
401:01Heretical Doses / Chapter 4: The Fear and the Worm Turns. And Turns. And Turns. And Turns. And Turns. And Turns. And Turns. And I Start to Run
501:31Heretical Doses / Chapter 5: And Fall and Smash My Head Open on a Rock. While Passing Out, I Think I Feel Hands in My Pockets.
600:24Heretical Doses / Chapter 6: Susceptibility
700:46Hug of Death / Chapter 7: Cult Ethics 101: Image1.Jpg
800:15Hug of Death / Chapter 8: Tl; Dr
900:34Hug of Death / Chapter 9: Cult Ethics 201: Like for Likes