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Jesus Christ Superstar - Songs from...

104:26Heaven on Their Minds / Clive Rowe
204:53Everything's Alright / Issy Van Randwick, Clive Rowe, Dave Willetts & Chorus
303:48This Jesus Must Die / Billy Hartman, Chris Corcoran, Jay Marcus, Andrew Halliday & Andrew Newey
402:20Hosanna / Billy Hartman, Dave Willetts & Chorus
501:54Pilate's Dream / Ethan Freeman
603:42I Don't Know How to Love Him / Issy Van Randwick
705:55I Only Want to Say / Dave Willetts
803:33King Herod's Song / Christopher Biggins
904:19Judas' Death / Clive Rowe, Andrew Newey & Billy Hartman
1006:33Trial Before Pilate / Ethan Freeman, Dave Willetts & Chorus
1104:17Superstar / Clive Rowe & Chorus
1203:01John 19:41 / Orchestra