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HoodTREASON: The Warm Up Album

100:00The Thing Before the Thing
200:00This Is the New Name
300:00Hip Hop Ya Don't Stop
400:00Nostalgic (interlude)
500:00Don't Get It Twisted
600:00Purrrfect Beat
700:00Shout It in the Streets
800:00Accountability (interlude)
1000:00A Quick 16
1100:00Self Destrukkktion
1200:00When I Speak (interlude)
1300:00Y'all Should All Get Lynched
1400:00Weezy 4 Sheezy
1500:00The Hate That Love Made
1600:00Jazzy Lady
1700:00You're a Queen
1800:00Misery Loves Company
1900:00I Tried
2000:00What's Up My Wigger Wigger