album tv

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103:20Thinking of You
202:48Mom's Christmas Song
302:09Lover's Cry
403:33Synthetic Nightmare
501:48High School - Action Game - MIDI Version
601:50High School - Action Game - GBC Version
703:14High School - Despair? Maybe There's Hope...
801:36High School - Romantic Waltz (FF parody)
901:56High School - Road of Despair (Piano Version)
1002:58High School - Extreme 2.001K
1101:18Revelations - Main Title
1202:03Revelations - Escape!
1303:16Revelations - Horse Battle
1401:44Revelations - Misc Town 1
1502:14Revelations - Misc Town 2
1600:38Revelations - Hurry! (Arranged)
1701:51Revelations - Not Good...
1800:51Revelations - Musical Idea #1
1900:27Revelations - Musical Idea #2
2001:27Liana Lavoie - Music Box
2101:30What This World Means To Me
2203:27Epic Darkness
2302:25Forgotten Past
2401:57The Future Fate Denied
2502:16"Song So Far..."