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From Here to Eternity

100:00Hold Me Tight
200:00New York City
300:00The Dark Street of New York
400:00Rock'n'Roll Love Letter I
500:00Alley of the Lonely Hearts
600:00Die Nationalhymne der DDR
700:00In the Morning
800:00Search and Destroy
900:00Dancing on the Dole
1000:00Leon Czolgosz Song
1100:00Riga My Love
1200:00The Rowans Glow Again
1400:00Death in Paris
1500:00Behind the Last Buildings
1600:00Sealand National Anthem
1700:00May Tonight Be Extra Special
1800:00Streets of London
1900:00My Way
2000:00Tibetan Olympic Songs
2100:00Paris in Spring
2200:00Search and Destroy II
2300:00Alley of the Lonely Hearts II
2400:00Rock'n'Roll Love Letter II