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Frog Heaven

105:58Swamp Things, I Think I Love You (Pig Frogs, Cricket Frogs, Southern Leopard Frogs, Green Tree Frogs)
205:50Just an Aquatic Velva Man (Pacific Tree Frogs)
305:20Geepers Creepers, Where?d You Get Those Peepers (Peepers, Bullfrogs)
403:05Froggy Goes a Courtin? (Tree Frog Mating Season)
505:20Up a Lazy River With You (Stream Frogs)
604:30It?s a Frog Eat Frog World (?Swamp Things? Encore)
705:41Your Pad or Mine? (More Tree Frog Mating Seasons)
804:50Marsh Mellow Blues (Marshland Frogs)
905:20Clickity Clack, Don?t Croak Back (Wood Frogs)
1004:40You?re So Bufo to Me (Bullfrogs)
1104:30Hot Nights, Sticky Tongues (Night Frogs)
1205:41Let?s Go to the Hop (Party time! An encore performance?)