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Flying High!

101:53Johnny Jackrabbit Jones
202:12Noodles and Butter
301:58London Bridge is Falling Apart
403:00There Was a Small Fly
501:45Rhymes with Orange
602:28Sittin' in a High Chair
702:22Ants Can't Dance
802:22Bring My Chimpy Home
902:30Everything Has a Song
1001:46Roly Poly Buggy Ball
1102:16Who in the Circus is Me?
1201:52Shine it Up
1302:18Little Brown Pencil
1402:42Call the Crooked Crows
1502:43Ducky is the Name of my Bike
1602:26Drowsy Dopey Dozy Dog
1702:34Fly High Bright Firefly
1802:57I've Been Sleepy on the Railroad
1902:55Eeeny Meeny Miny Moe
2003:45Groggy Baby