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Flesh for the Cannibal God

101:05Frenzied Machete Ravages
200:46Left to Fester
301:06Eaten Raw
401:14Sinews of Carnage
501:19Human Sacrifices
600:59Feeding Fury (of the Piranhas)
701:25Open Cranium Delicacies
801:17Ritual Disembowelment
901:19Totem Pole of Skeletonized Corpses
1001:29Harmony of Overwhelming and Collective Murder
1100:53Excruciating Invasion of the Candiru Vampire
1201:21Cannibal World
1300:56As the Dipterous Larvae Hatches
1400:53Night of the Sorcerers
1501:33Naked Prey
1700:56Burned to Death
1900:46Last Survivor Left
2001:15Green Inferno
2101:08O?Kkee?Pa Ferox
2202:04Driven to Anthropophagia
2301:11Flesh for the Cannibal God