album tv

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Fairest Work of Happy Nature: Songs and Keyboard Music by John Blow

103:28No More, the Dear, Lovely Nymph's No More
201:05Prelude in G
301:38The Self-Banish'd (A Minuet)
402:20Lovely Selena, Innocent and Free
503:15Morlake Ground
604:14O Turn Not Those Fine Eyes Away
706:58Sett (Suite) no. 1 in D minor
803:12Fairest Work of Happy Nature
902:12Flavia Grown Old
1004:37Ground in G minor
1105:13Oh! That Mine Eyes Would Melt Into a Flood
1201:41Verse (Voluntary) in G minor
1305:26O Mighty God, Who Sit'st on High
1407:02Sett (Suite) no. 3 in A minor
1502:43Sabina Has a Thousand Charms
1604:19Of All the Torments, All the Cares
1705:16Ground in C
1806:57No, Lesbia, You Ask in Vain (Elegy on the Death of Queen Mary)