album tv

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Die for the Government

102:23You'd Do the Same
203:33You've Got to Die for the Goverment
301:42Drink Drank Punk
402:00Rotten Future
502:44Safe Tonight
601:53Red, White, and Brainwashed
702:20Davey Destroyed the Punk Scene
803:03Summer Squatter Go Home
902:24She's My Little Go Go Dancer
1002:39Police State in the U.S.A.
1102:15Punk by the Book
1202:22Fuck Police Brutality
1302:14I'm Being Watched by the CIA
1403:05Kill the Rich
1503:51No More Dead
1604:15Confused Youth
1702:08Your Daddy Was a Rich Man (Your Daddy's Fucking Dead)