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Dead City Radio

102:03William's Welcome
202:21A Thanksgiving Prayer
307:16Naked Lunch Excerpts / Dinner Conversation
402:45Ah Pook the Destroyer / Brion Gysin's All-Purpose Bedtime Story
511:39After-dinner Conversation / Where He Was Going
602:45Kill the Badger!
701:47A New Standard by Which to Measure Infamy
801:30The Sermon on the Mount 1
900:59No More Stalins, No More Hitlers
1001:21The Sermon on the Mount 2
1101:47Scandal at the Jungle Hiltons
1201:16The Sermon on the Mount 3
1301:13Love Your Enemies
1400:39Dr. Benway's House
1600:45The Lord's Prayer
1702:28Ich bin von Kopf bis Fuss auf Liebe eingestellt