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Come to the River: An Early American Gathering

102:23Appalachian Barn Dance
202:00Nobody but the Baby
302:28Hold On
402:22The Fox Went Out on a Chilly Night
502:20Willy Prithee Go to Bed
602:58Ways of the World / Dusty Miller
708:33The Three Ravens
804:24Lark in the Morning (medley)
902:57Old Virginny
1002:24The Girl Who Broke My Heart
1103:50Wild Bill Jones
1203:49Wayfaring Stranger
1303:20Glory in the Meeting House
1403:02Return Again / Saviour, Visit Thy Plantation
1504:29What Wondrous Love Is This
1604:41Dances From New England & Ireland
1703:47Morning Trumpet / Oh When Shall I See Jesus
1803:23Down to the River to Pray
1902:27Old Joe Clark