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Classical Piano for the Sabbath Day

105:36Claire De Lune (Debussy)
204:42Ave Maria (Schubert)
302:50Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini (Rachmaninoff)
406:27Standchen (Liszt)
504:34Pathetique Second Movement Adagio Cantabile (Beethoven)
603:55Morning Mood (Grieg)
705:52Raindrop Prelude (Chopin)
804:46Arabesque No. 1 (Debussy)
904:18Consolation No. 3 in Db Major (Liszt)
1004:23Il Vechio Castillo from Pictures at an Exhibition (Mussorgsky)
1102:18Prelude in Eminor (Chopin)
1202:42The Swan from Carnival of the Animals (Saint?Saens)
1302:57Lullaby (Illyinsky)
1404:03God so Loved the World (Arranged by Garth Smith)