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Avenging & Bright: Charles Guard Plays Celtic Harp Music

101:30Muiris Ó Conchubbair ( Maurice O'Connor )
203:17Scottish Selection: (i) Heman Dubh, (ii) Tha mi sgith, (iii) The Peat Fire Flame
301:50Tra Va Ruggit Creest (When Christ was born)
401:25Burn's March
502:01Craobh nan Teud (Lament for the lost harp-key)
601:43Two Manx Dances: (i) Tom the Tailor, (ii) The Fairies' Reel
702:26Yn Eenleyder as Y Lhondoo (The fowler and the blackbird)
801:56Tabhair Dom Do Lámh (Give me your hand)
902:00Mrs Poer or Carolan's ?Concerto'
1004:14Two of Moore''s Irish Melodies: (i) Silent O Moyle, (ii) Avenging and Bright
1103:17Ny Kiree fo Niaghtey (The sheep under the snow)
1202:14Brian Boru's March
1302:48Cumha an Chláirseora (The harper's lament)
1402:00Arrane Ghelbee (The song of the water kilpie)
1502:30The Haughs o' Cromdale