album tv

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As at First

101:50German Promises: Expectation (Erwartung)
204:52German Promises: Gathering (Mündung)
302:25German Promises: Fluency (Gewandtheit)
404:41German Promises: Heyday (Glanzzeit)
503:10German Promises: Misstep (Unfall)
602:24Amadeus A.D.
804:16As at First: I. Speed Trace
905:07As at First: II. Echoes and Acorns
1003:58As at First: III. The Denim Ghost
1103:02Three Preludes: No. 1 'Breach'
1202:32Three Preludes: No. 2 'Impasse'
1304:24Three Preludes: no. 3 'Eclipse'
1401:27Meditations: Splendours and Dripsies
1501:47Meditations: River Run
1601:56Meditations: Autumn Tango
1705:13Sunderance: Part I
1803:57Sunderance: Part II
1905:09Sunderance: Part III