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Arvo: the Magnificat

tv - Arvo: the Magnificat
102:10The Gift to be Simple
203:57God Be in My Head
304:32Tu es Petrus
402:30Sacred Songs: Kyrie Eleison
501:46Sacred Songs: Agnus Dei
602:06Sacred Songs: Jesu Christe
702:03Sacred Songs: Domine
801:57Sacred Songs: Benedictus
902:44Sacred Songs: Virgo Gloriosa
1002:17Sacred Songs: Hosanna
1206:24Ave verum corpus
1302:57Native American Ambiances: Loon Lake by Morning
1404:25Native American Ambiances: The Sacred Earth
1502:52Native American Ambiances: Prairie Fire
1603:07Native American Ambiances: This We Know
1706:13Native American Ambiances: The Web of Life