album traditionnel

les albums de traditionnel

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Gregorian Chant, Hymns & Chants

100:51Te Decet Laus (To You Belongs Our Praise)
202:26Gloria in Excelsis Deo (Glory to God in the Highest)
302:48Aeterne Rerum Conditor (Eternal Creator of the World)
401:58Inventor Rutili (Creator of Shining Light, O Good Leader)
502:06Mediae Noctis Tempus Est (It Is the Time of Midnight)
603:34A Solis Ortus Cardine (Let All the World Sing)
703:18Gloria, Laus et Honor (All Glory, Praise and Honor)
802:43Sancti, Venite, Christi Corpus (Come Eat the Body of Christ)
902:10Congregavit Nos in Unum Christi Amor (Where True Love Is, There Is God)
1002:00Pange Lingua (Sing, My Tongue)
1103:05Hic Est Dies Verus Dei (This Is the True Day of God)
1202:53Beata Nobis Gaudia (The Yearly Round Has Brought Us)
1302:47Ave, Maria Stells (Hail, Star of the Sea)
1400:40Ut Queant Laxis (Free, from Guilt)
1503:16Aurea Luce (With Golden Light)
1604:15Arbs Beata Jerusalem (Blessed City, Heavenly Salem)
1700:45O Quanta, Qualia (O What Their Joy and Glory Must Be)
1802:16Alleluia, Dulce Carmen (Alleluia, Sweet Song of Joy)
1909:34Oratio Jeremiae Prophetae (The Prayer of Jeremiah)
2003:33Kyrie Eleison
2103:10Halleluja - Psalm 117