album tom russell band

les albums de tom russell band

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The Long Way Around

100:00St. Olav's Gate
200:00Outbound Plane
300:00Big Water
400:00Beyond The Blues
500:00Spanish Burgundy
700:00Walkin' On The Moon
800:00The Angel Of Lyon (Live In St. Louis)
900:00Veteran's Day (Live)
1000:00The Eyes Of Roberto Duran (Live)oui
1100:00Blue Wing (Live)
1200:00Haley's Comet (Live)
1300:00Manzanar (Live)
1400:00Mineral Wells (Live)oui
1500:00Gallo Del Cielo (Live)oui
1600:00The Road To Bayamon (Live)
1700:00Box Of Visions