album the white stripes

les albums de the white stripes

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Live at the Magic Stick 8-18-2000

100:00You?re Pretty Good Looking (for a Girl)
200:00When I Hear My Nameoui
300:00Jolene (Dolly Parton)
400:00Cannon/John the Revelator (traditional)oui
500:00Apple Blossomoui
600:00Dead Leaves and the Dirty Groundoui
700:00Death Letter (Son House)oui
800:00Little Birdoui
900:00Jimmy the Exploderoui
1000:00I?m Bound to Pack It Up
1100:00Broken Bricksoui
1200:00Hello Operatoroui
1300:00Astro / Jack the Ripper (Screaming Lord Sutch)oui
1400:00Ashtray Heart (Captain Beefheart)oui
1600:00Let?s Shake Hands