album the stanley brothers

les albums de the stanley brothers

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Old-Time Songs

101:54Handsome Molly
202:59East Virginia Blues
304:47The Story of the Lawson Family
402:38Dream of the Miner's Child
503:11Come All You Tenderhearted
602:12Poor Ellen Smith
702:45Darling Do You Know Who Loves You
800:54Shout Little Lulie
902:27Bound to Ride
1003:30Meet Me Tonight
1101:44My Long Skinny Lanky Sarah Jane
1200:51Little Bessie
1302:45Train 45
1401:15John Henry
1501:33Little Birdie
1603:06Drifting Too Far From the Shore
1701:46Orange Blossom Special
1802:17Nine Pound Hammer
1901:54Feast Here Tonight
2001:51Tragic Love