album the spencer davis group

les albums de the spencer davis group

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The Second Album

the spencer davis group - The Second Album
102:45Look Away
202:51Keep on Runningoui
302:19This Hammer
404:43Georgia on My Mind
502:28Please Do Something
603:06Let Me Down Easy
702:18Strong Love
802:39I Washed My Hands in Muddy Water
903:30Since I Met You Baby
1002:48You Must Believe Me
1104:50Hey Darling
1202:57Watch Your Step
1303:49Stevie's Blues
1502:26Back Into My Life Again
1603:52Kansas City
1703:22Oh! Pretty Woman
1802:42Det War in Schoneberg
1902:46Stevie's Groove
2003:48Stevie's Blues (US version)