album the rolling stones

les albums de the rolling stones

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Rarities: 1971?2003

the rolling stones - Rarities: 1971?2003
104:48Fancy Man Blues
204:02Tumbling Dice (live)oui
305:09Wild Horsesoui
405:06Beast of Burden (live)oui
504:20Anyway You Look at It
605:51If I Was a Dancer (Dance, Part 2)
707:33Miss You (dance version)oui
804:40Wish I?d Never Met You
903:56I Just Wanna Make Love to You (live)
1006:13Mixed Emotions (12″ version)oui
1104:13Through the Lonely Nights
1203:48Live With Me (live)oui
1302:47Let It Rock
1405:49Harlem Shuffle (NY mix)
1504:29Mannish Boy (live)
1606:39Thru and Thru (live)oui