album the rolling stones

les albums de the rolling stones

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Classics Collection

103:45(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction
302:59Time Is on My Sideoui
402:49Heart of Stone
502:15Play With Fireoui
602:47Mother's Little Helperoui
702:56Get Off of My Cloud
803:45Paint It Blackoui
903:42Under My Thumboui
1003:22Ruby Tuesdayoui
1103:41Jumpin' Jack Flash
1203:10Lady Janeoui
1306:19Sympathy for the Deviloui
1403:02Honky Tonk Womenoui
1504:32Gimme Shelteroui
1603:05Little Red Rooster
1703:49Brown Sugaroui
1805:43Wild Horsesoui