album the rolling stones

les albums de the rolling stones

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Beggar's Banquet

106:25Sympathy for the Deviloui
203:57No Expectationsoui
303:22Dear Doctor
402:20Parachute Womanoui
506:17Jigsaw Puzzle
603:16Street Fighting Manoui
702:52Prodigal Sonoui
804:37Stray Cat Bluesoui
902:09Factory Girloui
1004:47Salt of the Earthoui
1103:41Jumping Jack Flash (original Mono mix)oui
1205:05Highway Child (Keith, Mick & Charlie Rock Out)
1304:26And I Was a Country Boy (instrumental)
1404:14Family (acoustic version)
1505:18Blood Red Wine
1603:46Downtown Lusie (Rough mix of This. Metamorphosis Track)
1709:46Still a Fool