album the rolling stones

les albums de the rolling stones

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20 Golden Greats

202:50Time Is on My Sideoui
303:12Ruby Tuesdayoui
402:52Get Off of My Cloud
503:45As Tears Go Byoui
603:40Jumping Jack Flashoui
702:45Under the Boardwalk
803:20Paint It Blackoui
903:47Tell Meoui
1003:20Under My Thumboui
1102:29Not Fade Awayoui
1202:35Off the Hook
1402:10Little Red Rooster
1503:00Last Time
1603:5219th Nervous Breakdownoui
1703:10Street Fighting Manoui
1805:15Out of Timeoui
1903:00Have You Seen Your Mother Baby Standing in the Shadow
2003:03Honky Tonk Womenoui