album the rokes

les albums de the rokes

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Let's Live for Today: The Rokes in English 1966-1968

the rokes - Let's Live for Today: The Rokes in English 1966-1968
103:00Let's Live For Today (Piangi con Me)
202:43No No No
303:33Telegram For Miss Marigold
402:33Ride On
502:17Put The Pen Down
603:28The Works Of Bartholomew
702:28Regency Sue
803:13I Would Give The World
903:22When The Wind Arises
1002:44Hold My Hand
1102:44A Thing Like That
1203:25Ripe Apples
1302:57Stop And Watch The Children Play
1402:46When You Are Gone
1603:07Passing Through Grey (Piangi con Me)