album the police

les albums de the police

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Every Breath You Take: The DVD

203:03Can?t Stand Losing You
304:05Message in a Bottleoui
404:51Walking on the Moonoui
503:12So Lonelyoui
603:53Don?t Stand So Close to Me
704:14De Do Do Do De Da Da Daoui
803:51Every Little Thing She Does Is Magicoui
904:33Invisible Sunoui
1003:07Spirits in the Material Worldoui
1103:56Every Breath You Takeoui
1205:09Wrapped Around Your Fingeroui
1304:44Synchronicity IIoui
1404:45Don?t Stand So Close to Me ?86
1504:12Can?t Stand Losing You (Old Grey Whistle Test)
1602:20Next to You (Old Grey Whistle Test)oui
1747:14Police in Montserrat (Documentary)
1804:10Demolition Man (From Police in Montserrat)
1904:43One World (Not Three) (From Police in Montserrat)
2003:10Spirits in the Material World (From Police in Montserrat)oui
2104:23Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic (From Police in Montserrat)oui
2203:54Studies in Synchronicity