album the cure

les albums de the cure

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Japanese Whispers

103:34Let?s Go to Bed
203:12The Dream
304:09Just One Kiss
403:30The Upstairs Room
503:30The Walkoui
602:40Speak My Language
803:40The Lovecatsoui
904:36Lament (Flexipop version)
1007:45Let?s Go to Bed (extended version)
1107:16Just One Kiss
1200:00The Lovecats (video mix)oui
1300:00Just One Kiss (UK mix)
1402:46Mr. Pink Eyes
1500:00Let's Go to Bed (US DJ mix)oui
1600:00The Lovecats (12" remix)oui
1700:00Lament (live)
1800:00The Walk (live)oui