album the beatles

les albums de the beatles

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Anthology Highlights

104:24Free as a Birdoui
202:55One After 909 (complete)oui
302:26That Means a Lot
402:57Leave My Kitten Aloneoui
502:48If You?ve Got Trouble
602:09Can?t Buy Me Love
702:47Mr. Moonlightoui
802:44Kansas City / Hey‐Hey‐Hey‐Hey!oui
902:48Eight Days a Week (complete)oui
1002:54I?m Looking Through You
1203:14Tomorrow Never Knowsoui
1302:34Strawberry Fields Forever (take 1)oui
1403:28Across the Universeoui
1603:22Not Guilty
1702:51Octopus?s Garden
1803:05All Things Must Pass
1902:30Come and Get It
2002:38Good Night
2103:27While My Guitar Gently Weepsoui
2203:41The Long and Winding Roadoui
2303:54Real Loveoui