album the ascent of everest

les albums de the ascent of everest

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Devil's Damned to Try OST

101:56Skin Walker
202:58Eyes of the South
301:27The Gun
400:34The Wild
500:27The Mill
600:57Return to the Wild
700:34Lurking Cops
800:37Buried in Leaves (DDTT edit)
1001:43An Interruption
1100:24Sabbath Stomp
1200:52The Look
1300:55An Abandoned Ring
1401:48Seeing Red
1500:53The Body (Revelation and Desperation)
1602:48One Bullet (Ending Sequence)
1702:18Walking Theme (Outtake)
1802:48Shadowy Figure (Outtake)
1901:38Off the Rails (Outtake)
2002:04Floating Gun (Outtake)